Cybersecurity and Information Security Consulting Services Cyber Readiness Assessment understands what your cybersecurity strengths and weaknesses are with our Cyber Readiness Assessment. This holistic review of your organization's cybersecurity posture is tailored to each DJPaA’s unique IT infrastructure and needs (e.g., typically includes Penetration Testing, Cloud Security Assessment, Threat Hunting, Security Policy and Controls Assessment, etc). 

CISO Executive Consulting

  • Secure Network Design

  • Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity

  • Security Policy Development 

    o Disaster Recovery Plan 

    o Business Continuity Plan 

    o Incident Response Plan

  • Risk Assessments 

  • Server Hardening

  • Vulnerability Management

  • Incident Response

  • Security Awareness Programs

  • Secure Wireless Design/Assessment

  • Penetration Testing

  • Physical Security Testing

  • Hardware and Software Security Audits

Cybersecurity Survey

The Cybersecurity Survey is a high-level security review to gain insight into the current level of security of your organization’s electronic information. 

The Cybersecurity Survey reviews five areas: 

• Access Controls 

• Business Continuity 

• Application Security 

• Security Governance 

• Security Awareness

Measure Your Current State and Articulate the Path Forward 

IT organizations often lack the internal resources and expertise to keep up with an ever-changing security and regulatory landscape, let alone test and assess their networks,  applications, and overall security programs. They need help elevating their security profile,  reducing risk, and achieving compliance with applicable laws and industry mandates.  

Security Testing Services provide organizations with the knowledge, expertise, and efficiency needed to conduct thorough security and risk evaluations of your environment. We offer testing and assessments that address logical, physical, and technical, and non-technical threats to your environment. We can help you identify gaps that create risk, help you construct a stronger security posture, and help you to confidently meet your compliance mandates.  

Our security consultants use proven consulting and project management methodologies to deliver superior results to your organization. Besides clear security and technical expertise,  our resident consultants understand business, know how to prioritize findings that reflect your business circumstances, and can effectively communicate to your technical and non-technical audiences.  

Assess and Improve Security Posture

Many organizations self-diagnose the security of their networks, systems, and information.  This self-diagnosis can fall short as the evaluator has other full-time responsibilities within the organization, often lacks the critical thinking skills and technical tools of a hacker, and lacks the external visibility into the nature of real-world threats that could compromise your environment. Understandably, if any initial risk assessment is inaccurate, then the effectiveness of any risk prioritization and remediation will be reduced as well. Our expert security professionals understand the real risks you face and can help your organization prioritize remediation. With access to state-of-the-art tools, our security and risk consultants have complete visibility into an evolving threat landscape. As a result, they know what to look for to identify the real, not just theoretical, risks to your business. Our security consultants will then prioritize their findings and provide meaningful recommendations on remediation. This guidance saves you time and effort as you determine the most effective means to mitigate or accept the identified risks. 

Computer Security Training

Your staff cannot be security-minded and aware of the threats that exist if they are not properly trained. 

Our staff conducts on-site and remote training in several areas, including:

• Social Engineering

• Tabletop exercises 

• Disaster Recovery Plan 

• Incident Response Plan

  • "His record of corporate successes in a highly competitive cybersecurity environment speaks for itself."

    -Timothy M. Opsitnick

  • " In particular, he provided the core capability we needed to execute a recent cybersecurity assessment for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)."

    -Ranson J. Ricks

  • "David has impressed me with his ability to maintain a high degree of security knowledge in a field that is constantly changing."

    -Timothy M. Opsitnick